A few of us #trans folks, currently mostly trans fems, share the progress we've been making with voice training / therapy on Fridays using #TransVoiceFriday.
I try to always share mine too under #TransVoice, so that there's an everyday hashtag for celebrating & exploring trans voices.
It'd be cool if more trans folks shared their voices & how they change over time
#transgender #TransFem #TransMasc #voice #transition #LGBTQIA+
It's worth hopping on to this that only #testosterone affects one's voice.
So, while voice will naturally deepen to varying degrees for trans mascs, #estradiol cannot affect voice at all for trans fems.
Whenever you hear a trans fem person with a more-feminine voice, that's usually all entirely through voice training / therapy, as only a handful of folks can afford #VocalFeminisationSurgery (#VFS).
Your responses inspired me to record this new #TransVoice post about the importance of breath support