Joining the #European #propaganda team. Here you go: a short guide on how to become a digitally sovereign European citizen.
Joining the #European #propaganda team. Here you go: a short guide on how to become a digitally sovereign European citizen.
AI Slop Is a Brute Force Attack on the Algorithms That Control Reality
Generative AI spammers are brute forcing the internet, and it is working.
It's really effing obvious LLMs are a con trick:
If LLMs were actually intelligent, they would be able to just learn from each other and would get better all the time. But what actually happens if LLMs only learn from each other is their models collapse and they start spouting gibberish.
LLMs depend entirely on copying what humans write because they have no ability to create anything themselves. That's why they collapse when you remove their access to humans.
There is no intelligence in LLMs, it's just repackaging what humans have written without their permission. It's stolen human labour.
En train de me préparer une liste de blocage de hashtags destinée à nettoyer ma TL de tous les trucs sur les "IA génératives" (vraiment jpp, y'a des moments où ça ne parle que de ça…).
Actuellement j'en suis à : #AI #IA, #LLM, #ChatGPT, #GPT #GPT3, #GPT4, #GPT5 (oui je prends de l'avance), #GoogleGemini, #Copilot, #Bard, #BingChat, #LLama, #Mistral.
Vous en voyez d'autres ?
J'hésite à mettre #Gemini mais j'ai peur que ça bloque des pouets sur le protocole…
“It’s important to understand and respect individuals’ gender identities, including transwomen, and to use their correct pronouns and names. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender identity or expression.” #ChatGPT passes the #TuringTest https://medium.com/the-identity-current/i-asked-chatgpt-to-tell-me-what-is-a-woman-d4912e50f5ee
@annaleen @simon
@danmcquillan @david_colquhoun
And #ChatGPT has already gone on to the next level, it falsifies reality by creating #AlternativeFacts:
"It not only told everyone I died but tried to fake my obit[uary].
Are we ready for this machine-driven future?"
“#ChatGPT told POLITICO it thinks it might need regulating: ‘The EU should consider designating #generativeAI and #largelanguagemodels as ‘high risk’ technologies, given their potential to create harmful and misleading content,‘ the #chatbot responded when questioned on whether it should fall under the #AI Act’s scope.“ #artificialintelligence https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-plan-regulate-chatgpt-openai-artificial-intelligence-act/
Thanks for the boost, Tina.
IMO the subject of #AI and #ChatGPT in particular, alas, deserves as much attention as #GlobalWarming.
...I know, I am sounding alarmist, but having read/seen much #ScienceFiction, all the necessary ingredients for an #ExtinctionLevelEvent (#ELE] for #humanity are in place.
Just as a teaser: unquestionably, most of the world's endangered species could be rescued if the #HomoSapiens were no longer at the top of the #FoodChain...
No Zeroth Law, and a #Bing-empowered, freed #ChatGPT could quickly arrive at this conclusion...
Now, after heaving read #TheCompleteRobot,...
This #toot deserves A LOT more attention.
#ChatGPT has seemingly #apocalytic tendencies.
If U aren't a #Ludite, U will at least consider becoming one afterwards.
#TheMatrix might be imminent.
Have all these #AI engineers @ #OpenAI never read #IsaacAsimov? Seen #TheMatrix franchise?
How could they NOT implement the #ThreeLawsOfRobotics +, in particular, the #ZerothLaw *indelibly* into the #AI?!?
“I will not harm you unless you harm me first”!
The beginning of a (dumb?) #Skynet?
The #robots in the #IRobot movie were more intelligent.
Whatever happened to #Asimov's #LawsOfRobotics?
"First Law
A #robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm...
Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."