I wish I'd be able to play Baldur's Gate 3, but I don't find anything if thats accessible using a ScreenReader. At least I know its moddable. #A11Y #Gaming #ScreenReader
I wish I'd be able to play Baldur's Gate 3, but I don't find anything if thats accessible using a ScreenReader. At least I know its moddable. #A11Y #Gaming #ScreenReader
Ich hab auf dem alten Account mal eine Opensourcealternative zu Twitch gesagt bekommen, erinner mich aber nicht mehr. Die wichtigsten Funktionen wären für mich die Möglichkeit über OBS dort zu streamen und den chat so einbinden zu können, dass mir die Nachrichten automatisch vom ScreenReader vorgelesen werden, wie ich es auch bei Twitch habe. Am besten wär natürlich, wenn das ganze zugänglich mit ScreenReader ist, sonst brauch ichs gar nicht probieren. #FediHelp #AskFedi #A11Y #ScreenReader
#Blind people who use #Matrix, particularly on #Windows, is #Element the most #accessible client? I've been getting into it because a lot of communities for #SelfHosted services use it, but I don't find Element the easiest to navigate, so I'm wondering if there are other options.
#SelfHosting #OpenSource #Accessibility #ScreenReader #ScreenReaders
@mastoblind @main
@siege Perhaps we could ask the #ScreenReader community?
@ZachWeinersmith I know it's a big ask, but any chance you could add #AltText for posted comics for the lovely folks who use a #ScreenReader to make sense of images?
FAO fellow cultists
I've added more blob blåhaj custom #emojis to the #CultOfShiv instance.
I've tried to make the names for these as descriptive as possible for #accessibility purposes.
I've just edited the emoji short codes for the pride butterflies (made by the amazing @FrazzledBrynn) on our instance.
They should hopefully be more descriptive now for screen readers.
A question for lovely folks who use screen readers.
I cannot disclose my employer, both for my own safety & to stop me being used as a means to target its activities.
However, I am looking to provide feedback on the accessibility of a store linked to my employer.
So I can hear how it works with a screen reader, please could I ask for screen reader recommendations that can run entirely within Chrome or as a Windows store app?
FAO lovely cultists on the Cult of Shiv instance
I've just finished tinkering with the emoji hearts to make the names more descriptive. This should help make them more accessible to people who use screen readers.
I've also made the disability pride heart & the intersex inclusive pride hearts rounded like the others.
I might have made the edges too blurry though
Accessibility question for people using screen readers.
I'm looking into renaming the custom emojis on our server to make them more descriptive.
Please may I kindly ask whether any of ones worded like the below examples would be okay for you?
@warandpeas Added some #AltText to it for you for people who use a #ScreenReader :disability_pride: