NSFW naked bed pic
NSFW naked bed pic
Please, if you haven’t already, please check out my newly released book. Never Quite Gone: An MM romance.
#author #book #mmromance #fediverse #gay
New: James E. Honaker's gay fantasy Beyond Good & Evil II: The Future Past
The sun dims, shadows grow, and ruination draws near.
The Tomb of the Almighty, thought to be the home of a divine presence, was opened, and it has unleashed a ruinous presence back upon the world keen on resuming a conquest interrupted. The shadows have spilled forth, ...
#Fantasy #Gay #MMBookstodon @MMbookstodon #LGBTQBookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #Books
Maryann reviews "The Crack at the Heart of Everything" by Fiona Fenn, The Cursed Mage book 1:
"An intriguing story filled with magic, science, dragons, lore and much more. The world-building is fantastic. Highly recommended. a fascinating tale that blends wanton destruction and devastation with bright spots of hope."
#Fantasy #BookReview #GayRomance #gay #MMBookstodon @MMbookstodon #LGBTQBookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #books
Gratuitous male nudity
While I was out this morning it suddenly got rather warm, so I quick took advantage and enjoyed my drive
If sexiness were a sin, how would you punish me?
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can i sit on ur face
#GutenMorgen liebe #Mastodonier und #Fediverser,
es ist Freitag, der 14. März 2025. Die #Sternzeit beträgt -37801.8 (ab dem ersten Warp Flug von Zefran Cochrane, 2063), bzw. -297801.8 (ab TNG, 2323). Wir befinden uns auf der Plattform https://lsbt.me, im Internet des Planeten Erde, im System Sol, in der Milchstraße (Sagittarius A*), im Universum.
Wir haben aktuell 205 User. Diese haben bisher 36482 Tröts geschrieben. Das sind 177.96 Tröts pro Rüssel.
Es folgt die Weisheit des Tages:
Wie kann auch die Alleinherrschaft etwas Gutes sein, die tun
kann, was ihr beliebt, ohne Verantwortlichkeit?
Source - Erin Reed. Support Erin's work by subscribing to the "Erin In The Morning" enewsletter
From article: "The state’s budget for suing “leftist” corporations is ballooning."
#Target #Pride #AcceptanceMatters #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIAPlus #Lesbian #Gay #Bisexual #Transgender #Queer #Intersex #Asexual #NonBinary
#Florida #Ignorance #USPolitics #ThePoliticsOfHate
QSFer C. Quince has a new MM sci fi romance out, prism Agents book 1: Specimen.
David Cortez, a decorated US Marine, is now on the run from his own government after escaping a top-secret CIA lab when an experimental medical procedure turned sour.
While lying low in Mexico, an assassin sent from British Intelligence ...
#SciFi #ScienceFiction #GayRomance #MMBookstodon @MMbookstodon #Gay #LGBTQBookstodon @LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #books
Boop. I just released another book! Hooray! #fediverse #gay
Hi!Hello!how are you!
Jay reviews "Fragile as Glass" by Pat Henshaw:
"A delightful short story that deals with issues such as disability and attitudes to it. The writing is lovely, the characters (including the minor ones) are well developed and the plot is romantic and realistic... I would highly recommend it. 5 stars."
#Fantasy #BookReview #GayRomance #gay #MMBookstodon @MMbookstodon #LGBTQBookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #books #MagicalRealism
My first day off is always the laziest, when it warms up more I might not even bother with clothes
#GutenMorgen liebe #Mastodonier und #Fediverser,
es ist Donnerstag, der 13. März 2025. Die #Sternzeit beträgt -37804.6 (ab dem ersten Warp Flug von Zefran Cochrane, 2063), bzw. -297804.6 (ab TNG, 2323). Wir befinden uns auf der Plattform https://lsbt.me, im Internet des Planeten Erde, im System Sol, in der Milchstraße (Sagittarius A*), im Universum.
Wir haben aktuell 205 User. Diese haben bisher 36447 Tröts geschrieben. Das sind 177.79 Tröts pro Rüssel.
Es folgt die Weisheit des Tages:
Alter - Auszeichnung, die man sich in der Jugend verdient.