GRC application vent
I knew it would be difficult to apply for.
I just didn't realise just HOW intentionally difficult they had made this
I fucking HATE the UK, especially England
GRC application vent
I'm very thankful that I put all of my appointments into my Google calendar.
I could remember roughly when I did things, but like most people, my exact early transition timeline is fuzzy.
What's not fuzzy is seeing an appointment booked with my GP to discuss my gender identity in April 2021.
Or the follow-up appointment with them to get a referral to an NHS GIC.
Or the blood test to support that referral.
GRC application vent
Okay, okay, okay.
It took up a LOT of spoons to keep myself on task & to keep my anger in check at having to do this, but I've done most of the stupid application.
Now I just need to wait to hear back from a local magistrates' court to find out whether they'll witness our statutory declarations.
*screams with rage at the process*
GRC application vent
@SleepyCatten god I forgot I had to get that. Grr it should so be easier to do.
GRC application vent
@SleepyCatten good luck! @Sammy_Pi_ contacted a magistrate's court 3 months ago for hers and hasn't heard from them since
GRC application vent
For reasons I have no immediate intent to apply for one.
But that hasn't stopped me meticulously recording and getting everything evidenced, absolutely everything. You know, just in case one day I might. All my once emailed bank, credit card, utility statements are sent hard copy now too.
It's a right faff to get other documents certified but hey ho....
Keeps me out of mischief I guess........
And yes, I hate what this country has now become too.