There's a petition aimed at the EBU for jury votes to be removed from Eurovision in light of the controversy over their skewed voting in Eurovision 2023.
I doubt the EBU will listen, but it's worth a shot to make sure that future winners are also the public's favourite.
@SleepyCatten didn't they only bring it back about 10 years ago because people complained about bloc voting?
@you_jo_girl Ironically yes
@SleepyCatten IIRC there were other proposals such as stopping people voting for neighbouring countries. Maybe that would work better or would it be too harsh?
@you_jo_girl I don't know what the best solution would be, but I reckon limiting the vote in any way goes against the spirit of the winner being the true choice of the Eurovision audience.
Removing the cost entry to vote would be a good start, as would perhaps be allowing only one vote per person.