Eurovision 2024 boycott
We won't pass judgement on people watching the Eurovision final tonight, but we must say that we genuinely do not understand how anyone can watch it this year
When the Russian state / military invaded Ukraine in 2022, it was justly banned from Eurovision That ban remains in effect.
Meanwhile, despite its state and military invading Palestine and committing actions that many would say meet the definition of genocide, no actions have been taken whatsoever against Israel
We're aware that many Israeli citizens do not support or condone such actions, and have even protested against them.
In the same way, many Russian citizens did not and do not support Russia's actions in Ukraine.
In the same way, many US citizens and UK subjects (especially students) do not support their governments' support of the actions taken by the Israeli state.
Ultimately, you must all do what you feel is ethical.
For us, that means boycotting an annual event that we've otherwise enjoyed each year for decades.
We just hope that there will still be anyone left alive in Gaza by the time that the Eurovision final has finished airing
And that Israel will finish last, ideally with nil points.