Queries for anyone who's had or who wants to have any form of vaginoplasty; dysphoria; genitalia
Hey folks
Although a number of trans folks, especially trans fems, do document their transitions, especially surgeries, we feel like we don't talk as much about our own individual reasons for wanting / needing vaginoplasty, whether or not we're able to get it.
We're acutely aware of the many issues surrounding vaginoplasty, including (but not limited to):
- the cost (especially where there's no socialised or nationalised healthcare systems);
- gatekeeping (such as BMI, despite it not being an indicator of positive outcomes for any gender-affirming surgeries [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] or additional requirements not faced by cis folks);
- waiting times;
- availability of different methods / options;
- availability of expert surgeons;
- the hidden costs involved in the long recovery from surgery where you cannot work;
... and probably many more things besides.
Consequently, many who want / need surgery are unable to get it.
We'd like to ask folks who have had it already or who want / need to have it to let us know what your own personal reasons were / are
Everyone's experience and feelings will be different, even if they overlap. And it's perfectly valid to not want or feel the need for vaginoplasty.
#trans #transgender #TransFem #TransWoman #TransGirl #NonBinary #enby #vaginoplasty #BottomSurgery #GenderAffirmingSurgery #queer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+