He's just a boy, she's just a girl. Could that make it any more obvious? They got married, and lived life all freed - and they travelled around the world. He voted Trump, because he's dumb as a stump. Now she's in an ICE detention centre.

He's just a boy, she's just a girl. Could that make it any more obvious? They got married, and lived life all freed - and they travelled around the world. He voted Trump, because he's dumb as a stump. Now she's in an ICE detention centre.
Have you ever seen those kids fundraiser campaigns and thought that a good chunk of that money probably goes to the execs after? Well...
Herrjemine ist Electric State so eine Verschwendung von Lebenszeit. Und Geld.
Was hätte mit dem Geld alles Gutes getan werden können.
Und statt dessen...
Sigh. Okay. I think I'm going to avoid using the uber eats app until this gets fixed, and never use it again in case it doesn't get fixed.
In the latest update now, you can't even see the total amount of money you're going to be charged for. All you hear is "total," and that's it. You get the service fees, you don't get the *fees*, you get the delivery fee, but you don't get the promotion applied nor the subtotal.
I had to check the email received to confirm the order to know how much I've just payed. How's this a thing in 2025?
Je suis novice question aquarelle. Et la première boulette à ne pas faire je l'ai faite. Je me suis même précipité en sautant à pieds joints!... J'ai voulu faire des économies sur le papier en prenant du papier cellulose 300 g / m². Je me suis dit: "Ouais, ça devrait bien suffire..." Bah bien sûr que non, voyons. Au premier lavis, le papier gondole. Et je ne parle même pas des suivants!...
Du coup me voilà réduit à mettre un coup d’arrêt au projet "Pont canal" en attendant de commander des feuilles de papier 100% coton... à 5,30€ la feuille . Ouais. Ça pique un peu
#art #artist #aquarelle #watercolor #fail