A colleague who also enjoys #film sent me down a #DarioArgento rabbit hole and I gotta say, going from The Bird With the Crystal Plumage to Suspiria feels roughly analogous to the trip from Please Please Me to A Day in the Life.
My previous understanding of his work was seriously hampered by crap VHS and early DVD transfers. Thank goodness for #BluRay.
"Im Paragon-Spyware-Skandal Italiens wurden mindestens 90 Einzelpersonen, Journalisten und Aktivisten mit dem Spionageprogramm Graphite ins Visier genommen.
Im Zentrum des Skandals steht #Paragon Solutions, das israelische Unternehmen hinter der Spionagesoftware Graphite. Die Technologie soll auch an italienische Behörden verkauft worden sein.
Über den Messenger #WhatsApp sollen die Journalisten und Mitglieder der #Zivilgesellschaft mit der Software ausspioniert worden sein...."
Pour ce #FensterFreitag voici l'un des cinq villages italiens des Cinque Terre, et je m'en remets à vous pour me rappeler lequel car cela fait plus de dix ans et je ne l'avais pas noté...
This #WindowFriday brings us to one of the five Italian villages in the Cinque Terre. Please let me know which one this is as it was over ten years ago and I didn't make a note of it...
In 2020 I started to learn #freestyle #frontcrawl in #Roma #Italia . Now, 3 years later, I can REALLY say
#schwimmenmachtglücklich as I swim relaxed for 20+’ looking at
in the
on the E coast of #Sardinia, where from 2007-2016 we ran a B&B for outdoor sportspeople and still have a little holiday flat. As most Italians (I have dual
citizenships) I
a nice #suntan
, but also enjoy #seaswimming in winter & spring as cosy as a chubby little
in my #wetsuit.